

photo credit: king.agong

I'm probably going through one of the most difficult period of my life.

My body is completely drained of all energy. The baby and the illness are sucking it all up. And there's the pain. And the countless visits to the bathroom. The sleepless nights. The solitude. The responsabilities that I have, still. Two young children, a husband, a house.

I'm so exhausted. Can hardly find the strength to hope and stay positive. I'm prisoner of a body who has to cope with chronic illness, pain and a pregnancy... So hard.


Anonymous said...

je pense a toi souvent oukhti...Allah est avec les endurants! et s'il arrive que nous t'oublions, Lui ne t'oublie pas !
Allah ma'ak

salam wa rahmatullah

Jasmine décoration orientale said...

Salam oualeykoum, qu'Allah te facilite ma soeur, j'aime beaucoup ce que tu proposes même si je suis une bulle en anglais, bises