
Even for lil' boys

Boys, they like to be cool, too. Sea glass suits them very well. Not only it looks good on them but they love to wear sea glass 'jewelry'. My sons got to choose the color and size and I also gave them the choice between pendant and bracelet. My oldest picked white 'gems' for a bracelet and my youngest wanted a necklace with a big blue 'stone'. Sea glass is like fairy tales precious gems or pirate treasure for them.

And they proudly wear their own treasure, making sure everyone sees it - and knows it's their mom who made it.

How cool's that?!

P.S. Marie, c'est une photo spéciale pour Hanif et Wassil. J'espère qu'ils aimeront!


Mermaid's Purse said...

My son loves sea glass too. He wears a necklace everyday and has different colors to accent what he's wearing. Your son is a cutie.:)
Fair Winds and Calm Seas,
Deborah Leon

Marie said...

mashaAllah, j'avais compris le clin d'oeil juste au titre du billet.
Je vais leur montrer ta photo quand ils rentrent de jumu'a.


Anonymous said...

oui on en veut nous aussi

merci pour la photo

mimiss est très beau mashaAllah

maman dit qu'on va se mettre au bricolage nous aussi, dommage que le magasin zamzam soit si loin

Wassil et Hanif

Titania yng Nghymru said...

how cool is that! and what a lovely kid!
ps. ill reply to ur email soon, just need to find some time to get round to my emails!

vala.... said...

just found your blog and mashallah I couldnt stop clicking on older posts, older posts.. you are such a talented artist mashallah and I really love your stone painting...(my name vala means a pepple from the sea) and I love seaglass as well but never made anything as pretty ...so glad I found your little corner on the web...

vala.... said...

oopps meant pebble