Hi. My name is Audrey. You don't know me. That woman who used to write this blog is gone. I hope forever.
Because I'm the one who's going to be in charge of this space from now on, I thought you would like to learn more about me.
I'm 34. My kids are getting 'big' now. The oldest started first grade at school. We found a very special daycare center for the youngest, who's happier than we could imagine. That means I'm, well, "free" - every week day, from 9 to 3. That leaves plenty of time to do the things I love: working as a graphic designer, crafting, reading, relaxing, taking care of myself. I'm going to a yoga center. I take walks, by myself. I can go shopping. Alone. I can go to visit friends. Alone.
I'm an optimistic, joyful and happy woman. I'm not complaining and don't discuss all the time about my problems. I get up very early in the morning to profit fully from my day. I love life. I thank God.
Nice to meet you.
Salam Audery, nice to meet you.
tu annonces un rebirth!
je t,aime, t'es belle
Amé xxxx
Audrey - I hope you benefit from the new you_ I would love to meet this new you if only I could make it to canada!! I hope we can catch up on the phone one day - i feel like we have known each other for ages lol.
Eid Mubarak!
Salaams Audrey,
Just wanted to stop by and say very nice blog website!
I'll be back and will be adding it to my blog roll shortly insha'Allah
From, Ahdia
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