
Here comes the sun

Weather in Montreal is grey. If you've been following me for a while, you know that I'm allergic to this color (well, at least when it's the color of the sky) and that somehow, it has a huge effect on my mood. Today I decided sun will shine, at least on my blog. Searching for fun, bright and colorful items helped me pretend it's really summer...  Until the sun shines outside, or even if it shines in your part of the world, enjoy!


Ariss said...

Voilà qui est ensoleillé :) euh...c'est quoi la dernière image, un savon ?

Zamzam Design said...

oui, si tu cliques sur l'image tu auras la description complète...

jeweledrabbit said...

Those items are perfect to help counteract the lousy weather we're getting this week.

Trinity Lynn said...

Gorgeous Items, thanks for including my bracelet!!!

Justine said...

Thank you so much for including my earrings, lovely picks

zime said...

Thanks so much for entering to my giveaway Zamzam! Although the winners are already announced, I just want to tell you that I appreciate you dropping by!
