

That month. She's a bitch. She lets you think winter is over by throwing some nice and warm weather. Then she hits again with cold wind, snow and some -15 degrees... Everything around is grey. Grey skies, grey snow, grey faces. 

Every year, the same struggle. In November, first, when I feel like throwing myself off of a bridge. And then. February. When I wonder why I didn't do it in November. They call it seasonal depression. I call it hell on earth. And every year I forget how much I suffer when she comes. I cannot even stand myself.

At least she leaves nice patterns on the window.


jeweledrabbit said...

I know what a hell on earth depression is. :(

Have you ever taken an anti-depressant medication to help combat your seasonal depression?

Set Carré said...

Contente de te savoir de retour :) Je vois par contre que tu es au moins aussi déprimée que moi...

Ma lampe thérapeutique m'aide beaucoup à passer au travers Novembre et Février.