

My dear friend Veronika-Imane showed me how to crochet and I quickly became addicted. Oh, not that I'm already an expert, I'm actually trying to make a baby blanket using only the single crochet technique, but I love it, I never want to stop!

Something else to occupy my time for the next 10 weeks...


Marie-Josée said...

Connais-tu Ravelry.com?

C'est une merveille pour le tricot/crochet.

Les couleurs et les points de ta couverture sont superbes!

Zamzam Design said...

Merci pour le commentaire et le lien Marie-Josée, je vais sûrement y jeter un coup d'oeil maintenant que je manie mieux le crochet! Je suis juste un peu embrouillée avec les codes et les abréviations mais je vais essayer de m'y retrouver. Je mettrai une photo quand ma couverture sera terminée!

Blessed Momma said...

I love the colours, ma sha Allah. And I have to say, ma sha Allah, nicely and evenly crocheted. Well done! Very proud. :D

Zamzam Design said...

Thanks, teacher ;) !

Holly said...

I want to learn how to crochet so bad! Your project looks fantastic. Nice work!

Zamzam Design said...

You know Holly, I learned a lot about the techniques from vifeos I found on Youtube. You might want to try it! Just type crochet beginner and you'll find many videos. I particularly like the ones by a woman named Teresa. They are clear, and you see properly what she wants to show you. Crochet is very simple, you should give it a try!