

Inspired by the Family Summer Center, I decided to try making a huge calendar to help with planification and also for the kids to have an idea of what's going on this summer. 

Of course my summer calendar has nothing to do with the Craftzine version but I had fun and the guys are very excited about it. I used an old vinyl blind. We wrote on different post-its everything we wanted to do and when we decide to do an activity, we put the post-it on the right date. I used different colors for people we will see - either home or elsewhere (yellow), special event/activity (pink), others - like garage sale (orange) and Mommy's events (pale yellow). 

At least they don't ask me 1000 times a day anymore when we're going camping or which night there's a soccer game. Everything is there. I'm also reminded every time I look at it that summer is short, so let's profit!

1 comment:

  1. Bonne idée! Je vais la garder en tête pour lorsque mon fils sera plus vieux!!!
