
Something new!

I'm so very excited with my new rings. I've been trying magnets and pendants with my painted pebbles but rings are totally cool I think. I'm going to list them on Etsy this week-end. Wondering if I'll keep one for myself...

Which one is your favorite?


jeweledrabbit said...

I like them all. :o)

Link-com said...

i like it

Sunny Bower Art Studio said...

I like them all...but the last one is my personal favorite!

amy turn sharp said...

so cool- I am going to fave them now! am littlealouette on etsy! xo

Intervenção Digital said...
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tya anthony said...

i love the rings !

please sir said...

Ohh they are so pretty...great work!

Simply Knits by Jo Ann said...

Which one is NOT my favorite?? LOL!! I love them all!! Awesome work!